brunnermunzel - (Permuted) Brunner-Munzel Test
Provides the functions for Brunner-Munzel test and permuted Brunner-Munzel test, which enable to use formula, matrix, and table as argument. These functions are based on Brunner and Munzel (2000) <doi:10.1002/(SICI)1521-4036(200001)42:1%3C17::AID-BIMJ17%3E3.0.CO;2-U> and Neubert and Brunner (2007) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2006.05.024>, and are written with FORTRAN.
Last updated 3 years ago
5.83 score 5 stars 1 dependents 30 scripts 617 downloadsmakedummies - Create Dummy Variables from Categorical Data
Create dummy variables from categorical data. This package can convert categorical data (factor and ordered) into dummy variables and handle multiple columns simultaneously. This package enables to select whether a dummy variable for base group is included (for principal component analysis/factor analysis) or excluded (for regression analysis) by an option. 'makedummies' function accepts 'data.frame', 'matrix', and 'tbl' (tibble) class (by 'tibble' package). 'matrix' class data is automatically converted to 'data.frame' class.
Last updated 6 years ago
3.81 score 8 stars 16 scripts 305 downloads